jueves, 31 de octubre de 2013

Happy Halloween! Song: Trick or Treat (GenkiEnglish)

It's a Monster! Halloween
Trick (No thanks!)
Or Treat (Yes, please!)
It's a Monster! Halloween...

Scarecrow... soup
Skeleton... steak
Monster... mash
Pirate... pancakes
Black cat.... cookies
Pumpkin... pie
Spider... spaguetti
Ice cream... eyes
Graveyard... gravy
Tombstone... tea
Frankenstein... frankfurters
Zombie... zucchini

  1. Listen to the song and write the names of the monsters and the ingredients in the worksheet. Match the monsters with the corresponding ingredients.
  2. Choose two "monster ingredients" and describe them. Use the dictionary to find more adjectives!
  3. Organize a scary menu for a Halloween party. Complete the information (time, food and meal).

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